Friday, 28 August 2015

11 Dynamic Ways To Increase Blog Traffic
How to drive more traffic to your newly created blog within a few days - At the present time every blogger wants to drive more traffic to their blog. Because if you have a good traffic to their blog then you can earn a good income from your blog. So if you are a new blogger and want to learn how to get genuine traffic, then you are at right place because today with the help of this article we are going to how we can drive more traffic to their blog within a few days. Today I'm going to share with you 11 dynamic ways to increase your blog traffic. If you ready, then read the below points.

How To Drive More Traffic To Your Blog?

Using Flipboard

Flipboard is an awesome magazine-style feed reader, which was started some time back. Flipboard is now one of the top choices for feed reading and content discovery on various devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets and desktop).
Create an Account on Flipboard

Don't Copy/Paste, Always Write Quality Content.

At this time, so many bloggers are doing this major mistake. A quality content is more attractive comparing to copy/paste. So friends, keep in mind and never do this kind of work. As for as possible, always think about to write a quality content. Always publish a quality content to your readers. (While writing an article should not think like an admin always think like a visitor).

Post Comments On Other Blogs.

Doing Comments on any other blog is also good for making some extra free backlinks. But keep in mind always make comments on that blog which is related to your own blog niche. (e.g. If you have a discount/coupon related blog, then only comment on promo/coupons related blog.)

Use Social Media Plugins

It's my suggestion to you guys if you are a new blogger, then always use social media plugins/buttons on your blog. Because at this time it's helping everyone to drive more traffic to your blog. (You can get some cool social media widgets from below links.)
Mouse Hover Social Media Widget For Blogger
Animated Social Subscription Buttons For Blogger
Install Social Sharing Buttons Below Every Posts

Do Guest Posting

Guest posting is also good for every new blogger. The reason I'm saying to you because if you are writing a quality content on some other blog, then it will help to drive more traffic to your blog. Simply add your own blog URL on that article and let them know about your blog.

Image Optimization

Before publishing your article keep in mind. "don't forget to optimize all your images". You can use this compressor to compress your all image.
Image Compressor

Use Responsive Templates

As far as possible make your blog template responsive. A responsive and mobile friendly template is good for grow up your audience. You can get some responsive, seo ready and mobile friendly templates by clicking on the below link.
5 Best Responsive Blogger Templates Free


If you have some extra cash, then advertising on Google Adwords or Facebook is also good to drive more traffic to your blog. You can also advertise your website using the Stumbleupon ads – If anyone like your ad, then you can get more free traffic.

Finding Keywords

Find a high CPC keyword for your blog by using this keyword research tool. It's a free one provided by Google.
Google Keyword Finder

Make Some Video Post

Create a YouTube channel and make some video posts because video Blogging is a great way to go viral.
Make Videos On YouTube

Always Be Inspiring

The best one is, tell your audience about overcoming adversity, or the mindset necessary to do so. Encourage them to keep trying, or set up a challenge that they can use as motivation to complete something important. (At the last I want to say "blogging is incredible".)

That's it! I hope you like this tips! Stay tuned for more blogging tips and tutorials! Thanks for reading @Prince
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